
Four On/Off Toggle Functions

Four On/Off Toggle Function Remote Control System.
Provides Toggle  Remote Control Functions for any application.

This Remote Control board has four On/Off Toggle functions to turn on or off interior lighting sections on any model.


1. Turn on/off saucer lights, neck lights secondary hull lights

2. Turn on/off  neck lights

3. Turn on/off secondary hull lights

Since this system is relatively small, it can be mounted directly inside a model saving lots of wiring and unneeded momentary switches in a base. Best of all, no soldering to the board. All connections will be done with the 8 wire Micro JST connector.


  • Fully assembled – just connect according to diagram
  • One (1) Battery clip for 9 volt battery
  • One (1) Micro JST Connector with wires
  • One (1) Remote Control Transmitter
  • Best warranty in the business – 5 Year Warranty
  • Made in the USA

I will also work on 12 volt DC supply.

Item#: RMTD-OOOO  (model kit not included)

$59.95 + Shipping & Handling
Four On/Off Toggle Function Remote Control System.